Volunteer Hours Reporting

[ Please adhere to the following: BCHA Volunteer Hours Reporting Guidelines ]

Date(s) of the project or individual effort.
Trail work location or type of volunteer activity (e.g. trail name, meeting name, administrative activity, etc.).
If group report, list the names of the members working on the project, i.e. first and last name of each individual who participated, separated with commas.
If known, the Federal or State Agency supported by the project or activity.
(if applicable)
Trail reconnaissance, trail maintenance brush clearing, work not requiring skilled labor, etc. NOTE: When working with pack animals, hours are considered skilled.
Work requiring skilled labor such as packing, carpentry, bridge construction, use of power equipment, chain saws, etc. NOTE: When working with pack animals, hours are considered skilled.
Any hours not associated with trail work, whether basic or skilled. Such include community outreach, administrative activities, state and national BCH meetings.
Total actual hours using personally owned power equipment on projects (e.g. Chainsaws, weed whackers, mixers, lawn mowers, etc.)
Total hours charged at hourly rate for heavy equipment used on projects. (e.g. tractors, post drivers, backhoes, dozers, graders, etc.)
Approximate length of trail that was worked, if known.
Sum of travel times for all participant volunteer drivers going to and from projects, educational or public meetings, i.e. combined round trips.
Sum of actual personal vehicle miles from home to projects, educational or public meetings and return – only the driver reports miles -- for all participant volunteer drivers.
Number of livestock used to complete a project. (i.e. pack and horses/saddle). If the use spans two or more days, sum up the # used for each day and enter the grand total (i.e. "total stock days").
Donations of money or material from chapter treasury, personal accounts or business accounts (e.g. nails, gravel, supplies, etc.). Report the monetary value.
reCAPTCHA is required.

Additional Guidelines for Trail Work & Work Parties

  • Members/Workers – Log your actual travel and work time. Driver logs miles.
  • All work/no ride – Log round trip travel, driver mileage, and actual work time.
  • ½ work – ½ ride – log one-way travel and one-way driver mileage and actual work time.
  • Ride with incidental work – log just work time.
  • Pack and Saddle Stock – log stock days used.
  • Make notes of Items that are donated, with estimated donation cost.
  • Chain Saw use, etc. – log your actual work time.
  • Record heavy equipment hours from the time you leave home etc. – Record your miles hauling your heavy equipment under stock hauling miles.
  • Report rental fees for heavy equipment under equipment dollars.
  • If you are working with an agency contact person make sure that he/she gets a copy of your work party report.
  • Record hours in increments of 1 hour.